Commentary: Have you ever had this happen to you

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Rachel Johnson
  • 49th Wing Safety

Have you ever been in your home and tripped on a child’s toy, a loose blanket, or maybe you were attempting to replace a light bulb on a rolling office chair? I am sure none of us have done that! There is that moment of panic when you feel yourself start to fall and quickly catch yourself. Your heart is pounding…whew! Or, maybe you didn’t catch yourself. If that is the case, you joined the massive number of others injured from household slips, trips and falls. 8.9 million people a year visit the emergency room for just that reason; slips, trips and falls. (National Safety Council, 2011) Lucky for us, there are simple things we can all do to prevent some of these emergency room visits and injuries. Here are some suggestions:


Pick up loose clothes and toys off bedroom floors.

Clean up all spills immediately.

Stay off freshly mopped floors.

Secure electrical and phone cords out of traffic areas.

Remove small throw rugs or use non-skid mats to keep them from slipping.

Keep frequently used items in easily reachable areas.

Wear shoes with good support and slip-resistant soles.

Arrange furniture to provide open walking pathways.

Keep drawers and cabinet doors closed at all times


With implementing some of these easy practices in your home, you will mitigate household hazards and can avoid becoming one of the unlucky 8.9 million that end up in the emergency room. There are many other ways to ensure you keep yourself and your family free from injury that can be found on the National Safety Council website at: