49th Wing Public Affairs
Holloman Public Affairs is the home of Photojournalists, Videographers, Studio Photography, Community Engagement, Media Relations.
We tell the Air Force story through photos, videos and written features as well as providing studio photography services for all government members on base.
Photojournalism - Our Photojournalists record historical events and ceremonies by taking high quality photos and writing features about them. Our products are accessioned across multiple platforms with a world-wide audience. A completed AF Form 833 (Work Order) is required to request a Photojournalist to cover your event.
Videography - Our Videographers record and produce high quality videos. These producers are accessioned to audiences across the world. Mainly, their videos are posted to our base website, Facebook and Instagram. A completed AF Form 833 (Work Order) is required to request a Videographer to cover your event.
Media Relations - Your one-stop information source regarding contact between Military personnel and media outlets. If you have been approached by a media outlet please contact Denise Ottaviano at 575-572-1791.
Community Engagement - We keep in touch with the Alamogordo community and ensure that both parties stay informed about events and important activities. Community Engagement responsibilities include: looking into aircraft disturbances, F-16 static display and flyover requests, base tours, public speaker requests and the Honorary Commander Program. Shelley Bailey can be reached at 575-572-1824 regarding Community Relations questions or information. Click HERE for more about our Community Engagement responsibilities.
Security & Policy Reviews - Security and policy reviews ensure that Air Force information is released in a timely manner, without divulging classified or sensitive technical or operational information. It also ensures that information is technically accurate, non-proprietary, free of information about critical military technology and conforms to Department of Defense and military service policies. For more information click HERE.
Requesting PA Support
If you would like to request Public Affairs support, please download our AF Form 833 (Work Order) and submit it to our organization e-mail at 49wg.paoffice@us.af.mil. Work Orders are required for all photo, video and studio support.
Studio Hours and Information
Studio photography is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 0730-1200. Monday and Wednesday are reserved for head and shoulder photos. Friday is reserved for full length photos only.
If you would like to schedule an appointment for an official photo, please call the Public Affairs office at 575-572-7381.
If you are need of an official passport photo, you may walk in anytime Monday - Friday from 7:30 - 4:30.
Office Hours and Information
The Public Affairs office is open from 7:30 - 4:30 Monday through Friday. We are located at 490 1st Street, in building 29, suite 1500. You may give us a call at 575-572-7381 or send us an e-mail at 49wg.paoffice@us.af.mil.