Air Force Security & Policy Review

Security and policy review is a coordination function to ensure only approved information is released to the public.

The primary purpose of conducting a security and policy review is to inform and increase public understanding of the mission, operations and programs of the Air Force without:

- releasing incorrect information

- releasing classified information

- releasing information which conflicts with AF, DoD, Government policies

What needs to be reviewed

Material proposed for public release that mentions Air Force organizations, Air Force, Department of Defense, or any other government agency's plans, policies, programs, operations, budget, personnel or activities needs to be cleared through Public Affairs Security and Policy Review.

Examples of material normally submitted for review include:

  • Presentation charts
  • Briefing slides
  • Photos 
  • Videos
  • Speeches 
  • Abstracts
  • Manuscripts
  • Technical papers
  • Dissertations
  • Theses
  • Journal articles 
  • News releases

What doesn't need to be reviewed

  • Contractual documents or other material intended for posting to the Federal Business Opportunities ( website in support of the DoD acquisition mission.
  • Material intended to be shared exclusively with AF, DoD and defense contractors involved in the program does not require Security and Policy Review.
  • Information not involving DOD operations or personnel.
  • Personal letters to the editor, book or theatrical reviews when expressing a personal opinion, and works of fiction that are not sourced from active-duty experience.
  • Students and faculty members are not required to submit papers or material prepared in response to academic requirements and not intended for release outside of the academic institution. If made available in which the public has access it shall be submitted for review.
  • Air Force publications are not submitted for S&P.
  • See AFI 35-102 for more guidance.


How to submit

For local requests, fill out the Public Affairs Security and Policy Review Worksheet and submit it to

If your material requires only local clearance, please allow up to ten working days (not including the day of submission) for review. Exceptions are granted only in rare circumstances.

Rush cases requiring review in ten working days or less must be accompanied by a letter of justification from the appropriate directorate commander or director.

Please note complex documents, manuscripts, dissertations and theses may take up to 45 days for review by Pentagon or other federal agencies with an equity in the decision to release. The clock does not start until the material reaches Public Affairs.