Family Advocacy Program: "We Build Healthy Communities"

Family Advocacy is the primary office for the support of education, prevention and treatment of family maltreatment involving active duty members and their families. Outreach services include the New Parent Support Program, prenatal and pregnancy classes, anger management (group or individual sessions), stress management individual coaching, Family Check Up, parenting classes, couples communication, pre-marital communication, safety planning and therapy for abuse cases, counseling and referral resources.

FAP provides a wide range of services geared towards the specific needs of families. FAP staff works closely and collaboratively with military command, military law enforcement personnel, medical staff, family center personnel and Chaplains as well as civilian organizations and agencies to prevent family violence and help troops and families develop healthier relationships.

Location: Mental Health clinic within the 49th Medical Group – Building 23

Hours: 7:30 am – 4:30 pm

Phone: (575) 572-7061



New Parent Support Program

The New Parent Support Program (NPSP) is provided by a registered nurse to support families as they transition through becoming new parents.

The program caters to expectant and new parents as well as newborns and toddlers. Through a variety of services including: Home Visits, Support Groups, Parenting Activities and classes, the NPSP will assist you in coping with the day-to-day demands of parenthood, stress, isolation and deployments.

Active Duty military families who are expecting or have children three years old or younger are able to participate in this free and voluntary program.

Classes offered for new and expecting parents:

Parents 101 – Presentations about pregnancy, labor and delivery, breastfeeding and newborn care provided by a CHRISTUS Childbirth Educator where moms and dads are welcome.

Stroller Walk – Parents meet at the track by the Domenici Fitness & Sports Center (Building 588) to walk together.

Program Manager: Ms. Candi Hutchins, RN

Location: Pediatric/Family Health clinic within the 49th Medical Group – Building 23

Hours: 7:30 am – 4:30 pm

Phone: (575) 572-5678/8342



Outreach and Prevention Goals

Family Advocacy Intervention Specialist: Mrs. Jahna Perrine, LCSW

• Increase knowledge of child growth and development
• Enhance family member role adaptation
• Enhance coping skills
• Develop problem solving skills
• Reduce potential for maltreatment

Outreach and Prevention Classes

  • Family Advocacy Strength-Based Therapy (FAST) – Completely confidential and voluntary counseling for individuals or couples that includes stress management, couples communication, and parenting.
  • Skills, Strengths, Techniques, and Resources (SSTaR) – Group or individual setting designed to identify strengths, teach strength building skills, strengthen a commitment to change, and teach participants techniques for self-regulation.
  • Anger & Irritability Management Skills (AIMS) - An online anger management program that is specifically designed by the Veterans Affairs for service members and consists of 8 individual modules done virtually through a free smartphone application with daily tracking and weekly follow-up with a Family Advocacy Provider.


All Active Duty Military and their families qualify for Outreach and Prevention programs.



Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate

24/7 Victim Assistance Hotline: (855) 336-6833

DAVA Services:

• Provides 24/7 response to victims alleging domestic abuse
• Advise victims of the reporting options
• Establish and maintain current and effective safety plans
• Immediately report any changes in the victim's circumstances that changes or impacts the safety plan
• Offers victims information regarding their identified needs (e.g. Emergency shelter, housing, childcare, legal services, clinical resources, medical services and transitional compensation, etc.)
• Advises victims of the military or civil actions available to promote safety (e.g. Military Order of Protection, restraining order or injunction, etc.)
• Accompanies the victim to appointments or court proceedings when requested by the victim
• Offers follow-up DAVA services to each victim in order to empower the victim to advocate for the safety needs of self or children
• Advise victims of the impact of domestic violence on children and support the victim's efforts to have children assessed and treated
• If imminent risk of serious harm or death is established, DAVA must notify the Family Advocacy Officer, law enforcement and Command

How to report: Restricted Reporting and Unrestricted Reporting

Restricted Reporting

• Confidential report of domestic abuse
• Victim has full range of services
• The request is not forwarded to command or law enforcement
• Disclosure of these five items will VOID confidentiality and Restricted Reporting
    1 - Suicidal Ideation
    2 - Homicidal Ideation
    3 - Child Abuse/Neglect
    4 - Illegal Activities
    5 - Strangulation
• The request for services must be made exclusively to a victim advocate, Family Advocacy Officer or a medical professional

Victim and Community Resources

Holloman AFB Support

Security Forces Investigations                                   (575) 572-7171
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)    (575) 572-5419
Chaplain                                                                     (575) 572-7211
Airman and Family Readiness Center (AFRC)          (575) 572-7754
Sexual Assault and Response Center (SARC)          (575) 572-6789
Medical Group                                                            (575) 572-2778
Family Advocacy Program                                         (575) 572-7061
Mental Health Clinic                                                   (575) 572-5676
Legal Services                                                            (575) 572-7217

Off Base Support

Center of Protective Environment (COPE)                 (575) 437-2673
Alamogordo Police Department                                  (575) 439-4300
Otero Sheriff's Office                                                  (575) 437-2210
12th Judicial District Attorney                                     (575) 437-3640
N.M. Legal Aid                                                            (575) 541-4800
New Mexico State Police                                            (575) 437-1313