Q: What does “Continuous Learning” mean?
A: In APS, Continuous Learning describes the plan that the district has in place in lieu of the traditional public school education model of face to face instruction, 5 days a week, 7 hours a day. Continuous Learning means that students have access to a digital device (laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone) and will receive instruction via Face to Face and/or a combination of Virtual Learning Supports (i.e., Google for Education, APEX, ALEKS, Istation, MobyMax). PK-12 students will be provided a Chromebook.
Q: What if my child receives special education services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or has a 504 in place?
A: Parents of students on IEPs will be notified in writing concerning how services will be provided. An Individual Continuity Plan or Individual 504 Continuity Plan will be established. Some students with IEPs or 504 Plans may be eligible to attend face to face more than two days a week. This will be determined on an individual basis. Please check with your child’s school if you have additional questions.
Q: Will my students who attend the same school or different schools attend school on the same day?
A: When families register their students, they will register all students under the same account so siblings are connected within the Student Information System, PowerSchool. This will allow APS to ensure siblings are placed in the same cohort.
Q: If I want my student to continue to attend classes virtually, but they are currently enrolled in the Hybrid Model, what can I expect?
A: Students who request to remain in virtual classes will be transitioned from the Hybrid Model into one of the APS Virtual Academies. This transition may result in a change to your child’s teacher and classes.
Q: Will my student receive meals on the days they are not “on site” or if we choose the virtual academy?
A: All students in APS are eligible to receive meals regardless of how education is being delivered.Meals are available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at specific school sites. Families residing on Holloman can pick up meals in the back lot of Holloman Middle between 11 am - 1 pm. Currently, student’s meal accounts will NOT be charged for each meal provided.
Q: Will students be required to complete state standardized testing?
A: It is expected that students will return to campus in the Spring to complete the NM State Assessments.
Q: How will students be graded during Continuous Learning?
A: Coursework will be graded by individual teachers. Students in elementary will be graded using Standards Based Grading (1-4) and secondary students will receive grades on the A-F scale.
Q: What is the plan for safety and hygiene for students who are enrolling in the hybrid option?
A: APS has outlined new and additional safety and hygiene protocols for staff, students and families. For a detailed overview, please visit http://alamogordo.ss12.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_372378/Image/APS%20Return%20to%20School.pdf
Q: What non-medical mental health resources are available for students?
A: Military students in need of non-medical mental health support services have the option of utilizing their school counselor https://sites.google.com/alamogordoschools.org/covid19/teaching-our-kids/school-counselor?authuser=0, the School-Based Military Family Life Counselors (Holloman ES and Holloman MS students only) or Military OneSource. Please contact LaurieAnn Goodier, CYES-School Liaison, if you need assistance.
Q: How do I register my student for school?
A: Alamogordo Public Schools uses PowerSchool as their Student Information System. A step by step guide is linked below. This guide addresses action steps for both new and returning students.
Q: What do I do if my student will PCS during the school year?
A: First, contact LaurieAnn Goodier, 49WG.SL.SchoolLiaison@us.af.mil. LaurieAnn will assist you as well as providing a warm hand-off to your new duty station. Second, contact your child’s school to request an unofficial copy of student records, to include a final report card or student transcript.
Q: Is my student eligible for Advanced Enrollment?
A: Yes. The NM Public Education Department (NMPED) has issued guidance to local school districts that allows for advanced enrollment for military students. The guidance states, “Military families that wish to enroll their students in a school operated by a school district will complete the LEA’s registration application and attach a written statement of intention to relocate to the attendance zone of the school in which the family’s new residence or assigned military base is located. For military families wishing to enroll their student in a charter school, the registration application will be accompanied by a written statement of intention to relocate to New Mexico. Enrollment under this guidance should be permitted at any time during the school year, without need to be physically present in the state, and should be done while ensuring removal of barriers to students’ educational success as a result of the move.” For more information or the full guidance, please contact LaurieAnn Goodier, 49WG.SL.SchoolLiaison@us.af.mil.
Q: My child attends School Age Care. What do they need to bring each day?
A: Kindergarten and First Grades Students: water bottle labeled with first and last name and school supplies; 2nd-5th Grade Students: water bottle labeled with first and last name, fully-charged ChromeBook, labeled with their first and last name and already signed into their account, ChromeBook charging cable, headphones and school supplies. *All children attending School Age Care and/or the Youth Center are required to wear a mask*
For additional FAQs, please visit
New Mexico Public Education Department: https://webnew.ped.state.nm.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/NMPED-Reentry-FAQ-7-23-20.pdf
Alamogordo Public Schools: https://sites.google.com/alamogordoschools.org/nmped-plan/faq-about-fall-re-entry?authuser=0