U.S. Department of Transportation      TRANServe

About TRANServe


The Federal Transit Benefit Program is an important tool to help address the congestion and air pollution issues affecting the nation. The Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Benefit Program (TRANServe) was established in 1991 which provided up to $21.00 per month in transit fare media. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 raised the monthly tax-free limit to $60.00.  When the Federal Employees Clean Air Incentive Act, was signed into law in 1993, it permanently authorized Federal participation in this program, resulting in its expansion throughout the Department of Transportation and other Federal agencies.  The Executive Order 13150, signed into law in April 2000, called upon DOT, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Energy to implement a nationwide pilot program, and ascertain its effectiveness in reducing single occupancy vehicle travel and local area traffic congestion.  In 2005, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act required Federal agencies to implement transit benefit programs for all eligible employees. 


TRANServe Transit Benefit Program

TRANServe’s federal transit benefit program has been delivering transit benefits to federal employees across the government for 30 years.  TRANServe encourages federal employees to reduce their commuter carbon footprint through energy efficient commuting practices. Our proven federal transit benefit solution is recognized across the federal government and mass transit industry and we embrace the opportunity to provide our customers a transit benefit solution that facilitates using mass transportation and helps our environment.

TRANServe's Transit Benefit Shared Services Model

TRANServe is the largest federal shared service provider for transit benefit administration.  Our shared services model provides greater program efficiencies and improved quality of service that benefits our federal agency customers and their employees.  TRANServe’s solution centralizes the delivery of transit benefit administration, and by doing so; reduces IT and staffing costs, improves managerial efficiencies, and consistently enforces transit benefit program rules and regulations.



This program is great for those who choose to live in Las Cruces, Ruidoso or El Paso, TX. There's several vans that already exist and are commuting from these areas so you can join in with others or you can start your own!

Timeframes for the vanpool depends on who rides within the individual van. All riders are people who work on base so everyone should be on a similar start/end time work schedule. 

This entire program is government funded, which includes the rental vehicle, gas and maintenance. 


To join the base's program, please email our org box at 49WG.Vanpool.OrgBox@us.af.mil