Small business blows up big Published Jan. 17, 2008 By Mr. Francis M. Eggert 49th Contracting Squadron HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- The 49th Contracting Squadron is responsible for the wing' s Small Business and Government Purchase Card program. The vision of the SB program is partnering with small and large business, minority institutions, federal agencies, trade associations and acquisition and requirements personnel in providing affordable, effective and sustainable war fighting capabilities. Our mission is to promote effective outreach and acquisition strategies that provide small and disadvantaged businesses, as well as minority institutions, with fair opportunities in Air Force acquisitions, procurements and research. The Air Force is committed to ensuring that fair portions of its acquisitions are with small and Historically Under-utilized Businesses. Holloman is no exception to this rule, maintaining the same strong commitment to all SB utilization programs, as well as sustaining a dedicated effort to enhance the SB community. From fiscal year 02 to FY07, the 49th Contracting Squadron has averaged approximately over $47.82 million in total SB eligible dollars in a year. Of that amount, the average SB rate was approximately 64.4 percent or $30.8 million a year, and 43.6 percent of the SB Eligible dollars went to Small Disadvantaged Businesses or about $20.85 million a year. For the local economy, the SB dollars awarded this FY07 amounted to approximately over $5 million, or 10.5 percent, of the average SB eligible dollars with at least 50 percent or more going to construction efforts. Also, the GPC program contributed an additional $2.6 million in local purchases in the Alamogordo area. The total to the local community was approximately $7.6 million for FY07 or 15.9 percent of the total average eligible dollars from FY02 to FY07. Each year, our government spends billions of dollars in goods and services purchases from private firms. To foster an equitable federal procurement policy, government-wide small business goals, in terms of a percentage of annual expenditure, are established for federal agencies. There are several SB major programs in the Air Force, but the most common SBs utilized at Holloman to fulfill wing requirements for the war-fighter are SBDs, Section 8 firms, HUB zones Small concerns, Women-Owned Businesses, and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses. The Air Force SB program tracks and measures how well the squadron performs against goals established by the DOD, Air Force, and Air Combat Command SB program offices. Nationwide, SB represents 99.7 percent of all firms, accounts for more than 50 percent of the non-farm Gross Nation Product, makes up two-thirds of new jobs created in the past ten years, and employs 55 percent of the workers in businesses that are made up of less than 100 people. From FY02 to FY05, Air Force SB contract dollars awarded has grown by 36percent, from $6 billion per year to $8.2 billion. If you would like to learn more about the Air Force SB program you can obtain a myriad of SB information at the Air Force's SB Web page at: or contact Holloman's Small Business Specialist at 505-572-3048, or E-mail: