49 SFS gives Airmen important reminders Published Aug. 1, 2007 By By Maj. Carlton Bailey 49th Security Forces Squadron commander HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- Just a couple of reminders from the commander of the 49th Security Forces Squadron: I would like to take a few minutes of your time to pass on some important security and safety reminders. The four topics outlined below involve verifying security clearances, loud noise restrictions in vehicles, the base curfew policies, white stop lines and speeding. These reminders are designed to ensure personnel are well aware of the Air Force and Holloman requirements and are critical to maintaining security for our classified information and to creating the safest possible environment for those of us who live and work on Holloman. Verifying an individual's security clearance: The verification of an individual's security clearance is a basic requirement when it comes to authorizing personnel access to classified information. This requirement extends to all classified material regardless of the form in which it is presented. It is the responsibility of the owner of the information to verify security clearances and the need to know before authorizing access. Most personnel are extremely cautious when it comes to allowing individuals access to classified documents, files or computers. However, when hosting a classified briefing many are under the assumption that by ensuring the members of the audience are in possession of a restricted area badge this is a means of verifying their security clearance and it is not the case. IAW AFI 31-401, AF Information Security Program, Chapter 5, para. 5.2.2 thru specifically outline the only authorized means of verifying a security clearance: "Those granting access to classified information will confirm a person's access level by: a. Checking the person's access level, clearance eligibility, and date the person signed the SF 312 and completed Non-SCI Indoctrination, in JPAS; or b. Confirming it through the employee's security manager, supervisor, or commander or equivalent, or staff agency chief; or c. Receiving a visit request from a non-DOD visitor's security manager or supervisor." At no time is the RAB to be used as the sole source for verifying an individual's need to know or security clearance. The RAB is only used to gain access to areas. Your unit security manager is your subject matter expert and should be contacted with any questions or concerns. Inside vehicle noise: We have all, at one time or another, had a vehicle operator drive by us and make the assumption that we enjoy the same music they do, so the volume is cranked up in order for them to share it with us. In most cases, tastes in music vary greatly and most of the time the music being shared is not appreciated as much by us as it is by the one controlling the volume. This qualifies as an offense under New Mexico Statute 30-8-1, Public nuisance, but the larger concern, other than being annoying, is safety. The high level of noise inside the vehicle impedes the operator's ability to hear and react to emergency vehicles responding to a possible life and death situation. This, of course, could result in a reduction of response time or an accident. IAW AFI 31-204, AF Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision, HAFB Sup 1, para. A3.11.14: "Inside Vehicle Noise. The noise inside the vehicle shall not be as loud in nature as to impair the driver's ability to hear surrounding outside noise (sirens and emergency vehicles) or loud enough to be heard from outside the vehicle while in motion. The driver of the vehicle is also responsible for the conduct of their passengers, making sure their conduct in the vehicle does not impair them from concentrating on the road and surroundings." This is an offense and, if cited, the individual will have three points assessed on their base driving record. So if you are one of those who feel the need to "crank it up," please be considerate of others, be safe and obey the law. Base curfew: As the summer months go on and school is not in session, we can expect more and more children to be on our streets a little later than normal. In an effort to protect not only our children but our property as well, a base curfew has been established. IAW AFI 31-101, AF Installation Security Program, HAFB Sup 1, Attachment 18, the Holloman curfew is for all personnel under the age of 18. 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Sunday nights through Friday mornings and 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. Saturday and Sunday mornings. During the curfew times, anyone under the age of 18, except active duty military, found within Holloman and outside of the child's home, or the home where the child is a guest, will be in violation of this instruction. Refer to Attachment 18 for further information on exceptions and consequences for violations. Stop lines and speeding: Although not as prevalent as normal stop signs, several access roads and parking lots on base have solid white stop lines without stop signs. Every vehicle is required to come to a complete stop IAW AFI 31-204, AF Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision, HAFB Sup 1, para. A3. and New Mexico Traffic Code. Many accidents have occurred because operators are not stopping coming out of the Base Exchange and Commissary parking lots. Approximately 4,000 fatalities occur annually in the United States at stop signs, according to www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov, and we don't want anyone at Holloman to be one of those. Also all too common on Holloman is individuals speeding. Unfortunately many workers are so excited about coming to work they have created the Holloman 500 out on Highway 70 and continue to disregard speed limits on base. Speeding is enforced on Holloman through speed detection devices. More patrols will be equipped to enforce base speed laws with the recent donation of new equipment and training from local agencies. The speed detection cart is also going out to various locations on base and is not to be used to see how fast you can go. Safety and security is everyone's responsibility. The 49 SFS desperately needs your support and compliance to the items highlighted above and to all the rules of the road contained in the directives referred to above. Please don't hesitate to contact us at 572-7171 if you have any questions or concerns. Hope everyone has a great summer and please keep safety and security your number one priority during the 101 Critical Days of Summer.