In the new year, simplify for success

  • Published
  • By Major Joanne R. Ruggeri
  • 49th Medical Group
It is now a few weeks past the New Year. Perhaps you are one of many who made a list of admirable New Year's resolutions, yet have nothing to show for it.

Don't worry; a New Year's holiday isn't vital to pursue smart resolutions. Do it now. To make achieving resolutions easier, heed the following advice:

Re-examine your New Year's resolution. Find meaningful goals that are obtainable and realistic. Often times difficult goals like losing weight, quitting smoking, exercising more, etc., are easier to do if you approach them in small, simple steps first.

The Health and Wellness Center and the Medical Group have a variety of resources specifically designed to help you take small, successful steps toward better health. Below are the most common New Year's resolutions and how the HAWC and clinic can help you achieve them.

Most Common Health-Related Resolutions

Increase Exercise: The HAWC offers free personal exercise prescriptions specifically tailored for your level of fitness.

Quitting Tobacco: We can help. Enroll into any of the monthly Tobacco Cessation classes offered at the HAWC.

Achieve a Healthy Weight: Visit for the latest advice on smart eating with nutrition tips and recipes. The HAWC can also provide you with a personalized nutrition plan designed to fit your lifestyle.

Reduce Stress: Excess stress or chronic stress causes health problems. Relaxing and eliminating stress makes you healthier and often times leads to a lowering your weight since many people are "stress eaters." Life Skills and the HAWC offer classes to help with stress.

Volunteer and Helping Others: Volunteerism can take many forms, such as spending time helping out in the local library, mentoring a child, or building a house, for example.

Focus on the good in what you can contribute that so greatly impacts other people's lives.

5 Steps Towards Making your Resolution Easier

You don't have to wait until the New Year to resolve to be healthy and happy. Make up your mind to do so now. You'll have better success in meeting that resolution if you follow these five easy steps:

Choose a realistic goal. Trying to look like a supermodel isn't realistic for the majority of us, but simply being more active physically is certainly achievable. Make that your resolution.

Be Specific: A specific plan, such as walking for 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and strength training on Tuesday and Thursday is easier to comply with than a vague plan such as "I will work out."

Break it Down: If you have a big goal, break it down to smaller goals that can be achieved over time. For example, if you want to complete a 10K race, your smaller goal could be to run a 5K first.

Ask for support from families and friends: Letting your family members and friends know of your goals may also encourage them to consider their own resolutions. Helping each other makes one not feel alone.

Use the free resources your community offers. Seek support and information from the HAWC, phone number 572-5785, Life Skills, 572-5676, Medical Group and other Holloman community resources.