Holiday message to 12th Air Force and AFSOUTH Airmen

  • Published
  • By Lt. Gen. Norman Seip
  • 12 Air Force and Air Forces Southern
As 2006 comes to a close and the new year approaches, I'd ask each of you to take a moment and reflects on what you have accomplished for our Air Force and our nation.

Your dedication and many sacrifices continue to make 12th Air Force and Air Forces Southern the premier organizations they are today.

We find ourselves in extraordinary times as our Air Force serves our nation during a time of war. Many of our Airmen have been injured and some have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedoms. Our Airmen stand in harm's way protecting our rights and our liberty so that we can enjoy this holiday season. This commitment will ensure future generations can enjoy the freedoms we enjoy today and many more holiday seasons to come.

For our deployed Airmen, please know that you and your families are in our thoughts and prayers and that we are enormously proud of the work you're doing. In Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world, you continue to combat terrorism while helping courageous people find the path to stability, self governance and democracy.

In this special holiday season, Kathleen and I offer best wishes to all the men and women of 12th Air Force and Air Forces Southern, as well as your families who support your commitment to protect and defend the United States and we wish you continued success in 2007!