F-16 pilots from the 54th Fighter Group here will conduct routine night flying operations Oct. 2-20, 2017.
Residents in the local and surrounding areas can expect aircraft noise in the evening and early morning hours with aircraft landing as late as 12:30 a.m. The biggest impact to the local community will be noise generated when the aircraft take off.
"The 54th Fighter Group trains an average of 180 students per year in an extensive flying hour program that includes day and night training," said Col. Rusty Keen, 54th Fighter Group commander. "Learning how to be proficient at nighttime air operations takes a lot of practice, but there is no room for error in our job and this skill is how we own the night and defeat our enemies."
Any questions regarding the training should be directed to the 49th Wing Public Affairs Office at 575-572-5406 during regular business hours. For more information about Holloman and its personnel, please visit the Holloman website at www.holloman.af.mil or visit the Holloman Facebook page (Holloman AFB – 49th Wing).