Aug. 8, 2019 Care beyond duty Airmen all over the world suffer from both visible and invisible wounds that may not always be recognized by their wingmen, and the Air Force Wounded Warrior program is available to those who need help.
May 23, 2019 Seeking mental health treatment: 49th Maintenance Group chief shares his experience with PTSD “Dealing with a traumatic event from 2011 in Afghanistan, I realize now that I probably needed help long before 2018, but at the time I felt like I’d figured out how to control the ghosts in my head. I forced myself to keep them at bay, and instead of dealing with my problems, I just let them
Jan. 9, 2019 Pillars of Comprehensive Airman Fitness: mental fitness (Editor's Note: This feature is part one of a four part series on Comprehensive Airman Fitness)