Nov. 3, 2023 Joel C. Mayo ALS 24-A Graduation Thirty-six Airmen graduated from Holloman’s Joel C. Mayo Airman Leadership School during a ceremony at Club Holloman, Nov. 2, 2023.Airman Leadership School is a six-week professional development course designed to prepare new staff sergeants and senior airmen for supervisory duties and is required
July 17, 2023 ALS Class 23-F Graduation Thirty-five Airmen graduated from Holloman’s Airman Leadership School during a ceremony at Club Holloman, July 13, 2023. ALS is a six-week professional development course designed to prepare new staff sergeants and senior airmen for supervisory duties and is required before taking on the role of a
May 6, 2019 Holloman’s Black Sheep WOOL first Viper pilot graduation Eight Viper pilot students graduated from the 8th Fighter Squadron’s first F-16 Basic Course, May 4, 2019, at Club Holloman on Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico.