Oct. 18, 2023 49th EMS armament flight brings the firepower Within the 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron lies the armament flight, which is responsible for maintaining all of the F-16 Viper weapon systems on Holloman.
Aug. 31, 2023 49th EMS conducts first ever depot-level repair on Holloman F-16s For the first time at Holloman, Airmen from the 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron performed F-16 Viper depot-level repairs, and maintenance which included the overhaul, upgrading, rebuilding, retesting of weapon systems, parts, components, and other key parts of the aircraft.
May 19, 2023 49th EMS brings the firepower to Holloman U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Evan Stock, 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron munitions inspector, installs bomb lugs on a 5,000-pound penetrator bomb at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, May 18, 2023. 49th EMS personnel are responsible for the maintenance and safeguarding of ammo from Holloman and
March 22, 2023 Holloman AGE flight brings power to the flightline The 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron aerospace ground equipment flight is responsible for providing electricity and heat to the flightline at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, March 21, 2023.
March 2, 2020 System of success The 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron Phase Inspection Section is responsible for performing intermediate maintenance on several dozen F-16 Vipers from the 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. During this aircraft inspection, they take the jet apart and inspect high-fail areas throughout the
Feb. 24, 2020 Ultimate opportunity Members from the 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron and 49th Civil Engineer Squadron performed overhead crane lift training on a UH-1N Huey, Feb. 19, 2020, here.The Airmen conducted the training for the first time in order to be prepared for an emergency scenario in which an aircraft must be lifted