HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- The Airman and Family Readiness Center here recently hosted its monthly Bundles for Babies class on Feb. 28, 2017.
The class, which is free to all military families, is held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, and serves to educate expectant mothers and fathers.
Nearly 300 families, consisting of both new and experienced parents, attend the class each year to learn about the various resources available to them both during and after pregnancy, and class topics range from child birthing classes to dental and medical assistance.
“This is an excellent opportunity to let Air Force families know about programs like Childcare for Volunteers, Give Parents a Break and Childcare for PCS, as well as Air Force Aid Society emergency financial assistance and AFAS education programs,” said Maura Solis, the AFAS officer with the AFRC. “Parents will learn how to enroll their child into the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, and will be well prepared for their new bundle of joy by learning about the services offered on and off base.”
To help families better prepare for the financial aspect of having a child, Bruce Knee, the personal financial manager with the 49th Wing, offered up several financial tips and tricks on “budgeting for a baby” to parents.
“My main goal is to offer information, education, and personal financial counseling to help individuals and families maintain financial readiness and build resiliency,” Knee said. “In this class, I steer the talk towards planning for a baby and a family’s future.”
Briefers from several organizations, including TriCare, Military Family Life Counselor, Women, Infants and Children, New Parent Support, Dental and Family Child Care, were also present.
Each family that attends the class receives a $50 gift card and a free gift, as well as various pamphlets and parenting self-help books.