HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- Forty eight Airmen graduated from Holloman’s Airman Leadership School during a ceremony at Club Holloman, Nov. 3, 2022.
Airman Leadership School is a six-week professional development course designed to prepare new staff sergeants and senior airmen for supervisory duties, and is required before taking on the role of frontline supervisor. Topics covered include leadership, followership, communication skills and the profession of arms.
Airman Leadership School is the first of three in-residence courses required for enlisted Airmen and a requirement for promotion to staff sergeant. The other in-residence courses are the NCO Academy and the Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, which are prerequisites for promoting to master sergeant and senior master sergeant, respectively.
Congratulations to ALS Class 23-1:
Senior Airman Aaron Matzelle, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Alejandro Villa, 635th Materiel Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Andre Cruz, 49th Component Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Anthony Puma, 49th Civil Engineer Squadron
Senior Airman Ara Gureghian, 49th Force Support Squadron
Senior Airman Brad Tackett, 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Brady Motes, 635th Materiel Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Colin Baurele, 2nd Weather Squadron
Senior Airman Derek Wynn, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Dirk Henry, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Elijah Daniels, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Ethan Hamblin, 49th Civil Engineer Squadron
Senior Airman Gerado Ramirez Dana, 49th Civil Engineer Squadron
Senior Airman Garen Tinson, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Gavin Diaz, 54th Operations Support Squadron
Senior Airman Gen Pilapil, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Hannah Ho-On, 54th Operations Support Squadron
Senior Airman Isaiah Smith, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Jacob Stewart, 49th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Airman Jeremy Garcia, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Jerrik Cox, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman John Lyle, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Jon Logan, 49th Component Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Joseph Hargett, 49th Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Joseph Ingram, 49th Component Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Joseph Shelton, 54th Operations Support Squadron
Senior Airman Julio Armendariz, 49th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Airman Justin Kuhn, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Kathryn Hargrove, 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Kye Henry, 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Lataff Felder, 9th Attack Squadron
Senior Airman Lee Shriver, 635th Materiel Maintenance Support Squadron
Senior Airman Luis Quezada, 9th Attack Squadron
Senior Airman Marc Coogler, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Matthew Hensel, 635th Materiel Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Matthew Kelly, 49th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Airman Michael Meyers, 29th Attack Squadron
Senior Airman Noah Schlitt, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Nolan Gilliam, 49th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Airman Robert Jimenez, 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Rylen Wynn, 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Shabaya Canada Bannerman-Richter, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Shawn O’Connor, 49th Communications Squadron
Senior Airman Steve In, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Stiphanie Cumbal, 49th Maintenance Group
Senior Airman Tre Christensen, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Treajoir Walker, 49th Maintenance Group
Senior Airman Trent Dale, 849th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron