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  • 2024 Joel C. Mayo ALS 25-A Graduation

    Forty-seven Airmen graduated from Holloman’s Airman Leadership School, during a ceremony at Club Holloman, November 21, 2024, here.ALS is a 24-day professional development course designed to prepare new Staff Sergeants and Senior Airmen for supervisory duties and is required before fulfilling the

  • 2024 Holloman Air Force Ball

    Airmen from the Steel Talons Honor Guard depart after presenting the colors during the 2024 Holloman Air Force Ball at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, Nov. 2, 2024. The Air Force Ball is an annual event celebrated at different Air Force bases that brings service members, families and community

  • 19th Air Force Command Team visits Holloman AFB

    The purpose of the visit was for Kreuder and Scott to gain a firsthand perspective of the installation's capabilities, interact with Airmen, and coordinate potential ways the 19th Air Force could assist Holloman’s mission.

  • Project Iron Agility training program launches at Holloman

    On August 12th, personnel from the 49th Maintenance Group engaged in a realistic deployment scenario as part of the newly launched maintenance knowledge and tactics operation called Project Iron Agility.Project Iron Agility is a strategically crafted training program that educates senior enlisted

  • Holloman marksman stays on target

    This year, the esteemed 2024 General Curtis LeMay trophy was awarded to U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Andrew Wilson, 8th Aircraft Maintenance Unit specialist section chief, who achieved the highest score at the National Trophy Individual Pistol Tournament held at Camp Perry, Ohio.

  • 8th Fighter Squadron unveils new flagship honoring F-117 Nighthawk

    The 8th Fighter Squadron collaborated with Hill Air Force Base, Utah to paint their F-16 Viper flagship a sleek matte black in honor of the F-117 Nighthawk.Traditional heritage and squadron paint schemes reflect the combat lineage of their respective units that honor and celebrate the history and

  • It’s not about the flag: a commentary on Pride

    My name is Karmyn Grabner-Dyson and I am a master sergeant in the United States Air Force, a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and an advocate for human rights. I made it my mission to stand up for those who need support and a voice in the military, but that wouldn’t have been possible had I not

  • Multi-Capable Airmen training program launches at Holloman

    The 29th Aircraft Maintenance Unit launched a Multi-Capable Airmen training program in March of 2024. The program allows Airmen to train on the skills of crew chiefs, avionics, and weapons troops, helping prepare Airmen for the broader scope of capabilities necessary to give the Air Force the