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  • 9th Aircraft Maintenance Unit wins 2022 1st quarter load competition

    The 9th Aircraft Maintenance Unit weapons load crew emerged victorious over their fellow maintainers in the 49th Wing's 1st Quarter Load Crew Competition May 16, 2022, here. Load crews for both the F-16 Viper and MQ-9 Reaper went head-to-head in the competition designed to test the knowledge and

  • Laissez les bon temps rouler

    Holloman’s 8th FS deployed on a temporary duty assignment to NAS JRB New Orleans and participated in a training exercise March 29 to April 12, 2019.

  • Holloman Tuskegee Chapter honors legacy

    Tuskegee Airmen are an influential group of World War II pilots who set an outstanding example for all to be proud of.  Their legacy lives on through Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated, and its many chapters. Larry “Jet” Jackson, Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated Western Region mentor, is a shining example as

  • Chiefs Choice Award January 2019

    Holloman’s Chiefs Group has a monthly recognition program titled Chief’s Choice Award. Every month a chief has the honor of choosing a deserving Airman for an outstanding act or for continuous outstanding performance.

  • Chief’s Choice Award

    The chiefs are proud to present the Chief’s Choice Award to Staff Sgt. Corey S. Radel. Q. 1      What squadron are you a part of, what is your job title and what are your duties? A. 1      I am the 49th Maintenance Group Quality Assurance inspector. I evaluate flight line and maintenance back shops

  • NCO cross-trains to pursue career goals, personal fulfillment

    Many Airmen find themselves seeking an opportunity to change their career field during their enlistment, but the needs of the Air Force don’t always align with the desires of its Airmen.But, for one Airman, it did.Staff Sgt. Colin Owens, 49th Wing Chapel religious affairs Airman, knew early into his

  • POW/MIA Remembrance Day at Holloman

    Holloman Air Force Base honored service members who were imprisoned or remain missing-in-action with a 24-hour vigil and run September 20 – 21, here. “Of those Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsman, we remember their service, their sacrifice for freedom and their unwavering

  • Cookies galore

    Holloman Airmen, spouses, and volunteers came together this year to host the annual cookie drive at the base community center, Dec. 4, 2017. Holloman and the Alamogordo community supported this year’s drive by baking and donating home-made cookies of all types, from chocolate chip cookies to