HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- A big change is coming to Holloman with the closing of the Shifting Sands Dining Facility due to upcoming renovations in the beginning of January 2023.
It's no secret that the majority of Airmen living in the dorms rely heavily on the DFAC for nourishment. With the closure coming sooner rather than later, the 49th Force Support Squadron is ensuring all the necessary precautions are being put in place.
“When the dining facility closes down in January, all Airmen that are living in the dorms will be placed on Basic Allowance for Subsistence II, so instead of receiving about $400, they're going to get $800,” said U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jayne Rhee, 49th FSS dining facility manager. “This is to accommodate the dorms that don't have the proper amenities for them to actually cook their own food.”
Along with a change to their BAS, the 49th FSS is planning to set up a dining facility location at Club Holloman for affected Airmen called the 49er Cafe.
“The hours will still reflect the same as the dining facility,” said Rhee. “To provide for all our Airmen on all shifts it's going to be breakfast, lunch, dinner and midnight meal.”
The DFAC is expected to be closed for a long period of time next year, but the 49th FSS is prepared to provide Holloman’s Airmen with as many dining options as possible.
“We're doing everything we can to provide our Airmen options here on base throughout a 24-hour timeframe,” said U.S Air Force Master Sgt. David Peria, 49th FSS dining facility superintendent. “However, keep in mind that once the DFAC closes, Airmen are not gonna see that BAS II money right away, it might take two weeks to up to 30 days, so keep that in mind and start saving up now.”