HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- The 49th Wing’s 1st quarter award winners were recognized by U.S. Air Force Col. Justin Spears, 49th Wing commander, and U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Jeffrey Martin, 49th Wing command chief, in a ceremony here, May 12, 2023.
The winners were selected based on their technical expertise, demonstration of leadership and job performance during the period of January to March 2023.
Congratulations to the 49th Wing’s 1st quarter award winners:
Airman of the Quarter:
Senior Airman Jason Umpierre, 49th Communications Squadron
Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter:
Tech Sgt. Abishai Giles, 16th Training Squadron
Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter:
Senior Master Sgt. Joseph Cabrera, 49th Component Maintenance Squadron
Company Grade Officer of the Quarter:
Capt. David Thompson, 9th Attack Squadron
Field Grade Office of the Quarter:
Maj. Joseph Simms, 6th Attack Squadron
Civilian Category I (Non-supervisory) of the Quarter:
Amanda Cobb, 49th Medical Group
Civilian Category I (Supervisory) of the Quarter:
Raquel Kisner, 49th Force Support Squadron
Civilian Category II (Non-supervisory) of the Quarter:
Norman Bloom, 49th Civil Engineer Squadron
Civilian Category II (Supervisory) of the Quarter:
Stephanie Stewart, 49th Force Support Squadron
Civilian Category III (Non-supervisory) of the Quarter:
Callie Spencer, 49th Contracting Squadron
Civilian Category III (Supervisory) of the Quarter:
Kimberly Lawhorn, 49th Force Support Squadron
Honor Guardsman of the Quarter:
Staff Sgt. Andrew Wege, 29th Attack Squadron
49th Key Spouse of the Quarter:
Olivia Boyer
Volunteer of the Quarter:
Senior Airman Evelyn Domfe, 49th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Instructor Pilot of the Quarter:
Maj. Thomas Nichols, 54th Training Squadron
49er of the Quarter:
Senior Airman Elyse Mora, 49th Security Forces Squadron
Small Unit of the Quarter:
314th Fighter Squadron
Large Unit of the Quarter:
49th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron