HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- Newly arrived Airmen engaged with seasoned leaders during the bi-weekly First Term Enlisted Course mentor session, held at the Professional Development Center on Nov. 21, 2024.
During FTEC, Airmen are introduced to representatives of various departments throughout the base in this one-hour session. The Airmen split into smaller groups and spent several minutes speaking with each visiting leader. They discussed topics ranging from career experiences to education and commissioning options.
“The mentor session opens up the minds of these new Airmen to what goes on around them on base in different jobs and experience levels,” said U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Joseph Baustert, 49th Force Support Squadron FTEC noncommissioned officer in charge. “Hearing from both officers and NCOs gives them a better understanding of how and why decisions are made.”
Nearing the end of its first year as a part of FTEC, the mentor session was attended by one officer and five NCOs. During and after the session, the 25 junior Airmen discussed the insights they gained.
“It’s interesting to hear from people who’ve been at our level before and moved on to other things,” said U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Jordan Thoma, 49th Civil Engineer Squadron electrical power production apprentice. “They had some good ideas about making smart decisions and thinking ahead.”
In addition to general career advice, the guests advised the Airmen about living on and off base while enjoying what the community offers.
“It was important to let them know there are plenty of things to do around this area,” said U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Robert Logan, 49th Logistics Readiness Squadron fuels distribution supervisor. “They can always look for opportunities to explore the base and community. The experience is what we make of it.”
Attendees are expected to leave the course with a clearer understanding of Holloman's opportunities and their roles within the Air Force.