Dec. 17, 2024 New Airmen get face-to-face advice during FTEC mentor session Newly arrived Airmen engaged with seasoned leaders during the bi-weekly First Term Enlisted Course mentor session, held at the Professional Development Center on Nov. 21, 2024.During FTEC, Airmen are introduced to representatives of various departments throughout the base in this one-hour session.
Dec. 13, 2024 Dorm Airmen receive holiday treats in 2024 cookie drive U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Jason Robinson, center, 635th Materiel Maintenance Squadron electrical systems apprentice, receives a stocking full of cookies from members of the First Sergeant Council at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, Dec. 10, 2024. Dorm Airmen receive treats as part of the
Sept. 6, 2019 28th annual Day of Caring Volunteers from Holloman Air Force Base and members of the local community came together for the 28th annual Day of Caring September 6, 2019, at the Otero County Fairgrounds in Alamogordo, New Mexico.The Day of Caring is an annual event, where volunteers perform various tasks, such as home repairs
July 16, 2018 Atomic Age: Alamogordo and the Bomb (Editor’s Note: This is part one of a four part series on the first test of the atomic bomb.)
Sept. 13, 2016 Holloman Airmen celebrate 25th annual Day of Caring The Day of Caring is hosted by The United Way of Otero County. The annual volunteer event aims to help disabled individuals and senior citizens within several communities including Alamogordo, Cloudcroft, N.M. and Tularosa, by providing assistance with household projects. Hundreds of Holloman Airmen
July 8, 2016 PCSing Pets Permanently changing stations overseas can be a stressful and overwhelming time for service members, families and pets. Any way to make the process smoother and easier can be a relief.Pet owners should be aware of the requirements, and sometimes lengthy process, to have their pets join them