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  • 16th TRS at the forefront of innovation

    Ensuring Airmen are ready to meet the joint-warfighting needs of today’s dynamic security environment in a way that moves with 21st Century speed is a challenge faced in every training environment in Air Education and Training Command.Innovating through inspiration from AETC’s beta-testing of a new

  • 49th MXG conducts Phase II exercise

    The 49th Maintenance Group educated more than 200 Airmen during its first phase II exercise at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., Feb. 22, 2018.

  • Indonesian Air Force visits Holloman

       Members of the Indonesian Air Force visited Holloman Air Force Base on March 15, 2017 to learn about MQ-9 operations and Holloman’s remotely piloted aircraft enterprise. The members were shuttled to various locations on base, including the Operations Group, the MQ-9 Flight Training Unit and the

  • AF prepares for all MQ-9 force

    For the past 21 years the Air Force has flown the remotely piloted MQ-1 Predator in combat, and for the last 10, the MQ-9 Reaper. Combined with a skilled aircrew, these aircraft provide consistent support in daily engagements making an impact downrange. While the MQ-1 has provided many years of