Personal Financial Management Program (PFMP)

Meeting financial goals is a common objective of every person. The Personal Financial Management Program (PFMP) offers information, education, and personal financial counseling.

Services offered include:

Individual and Family Counseling
Development of a budget to help obtain financial goals.
Payment plan arrangements with creditors.
Long-term financial planning.
Development of a debt-liquidation plan.
Budget Worksheet PAYDAY BUDGET
Seminars and Workshops
Financial Management Class
Budgeting: savings, buying cars, insurance, contracts, loans, debt ratio, income vs. expenses, etc.
Credit Management: credit cards, costs of credit, credit reports, results of credit abuse, rebuilding credit, etc.
Checkbook Management
Financial Management Briefing

Provides information on financial awareness to First Term Airmen. Areas covered include:

Personal financial management
Checkbook maintenance
Buying with credit cards
Buying cars
Life insurance
Savings and investments
Shopping for credit
Credit reports
Using credit wisely
Results of credit abuse.
Basics of Investing - Part I

Basics of Home Buying and Selling
How to pay a mortgage off early
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and types of Mutual Funds
Dollar Cost Averaging/getting started
Credit Card Debt
Basics of Investing - Part II

Risks Assessment
Investment Strategies
Buying Stocks without a Broker
Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)
Researching Stocks using Value Line
Researching Mutual Funds using Morning Star
Basics of Investing - Part III
Computer Lab Internet Research

Mutual Funds
Retirement Planning
College savings plans