635th Materiel Maintenance Group

The 635th Materiel Maintenance Group is the Air Force’s only organic Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources (BEAR) unit and is responsible for providing flexible and responsive resources and expertise to support the Nation’s priorities. The Group is a world-class team of diverse professionals providing mission-ready equipment for global power and reach – Ready When Called!

The Group is responsible for the storage, inspection, repair, deployment, and accountability of BEAR Base assets for Combatant Commanders. The Group’s 407 military and civilian personnel encompass 32 Air Force specialties and are responsible for BEAR assets worth over $608 million. This mission is comprised of more than 4,800 Unit Type Codes and 132 general and special purpose vehicles.

The Group responds worldwide for the deployment, sustainment, setup, operation, maintenance, teardown, and reconstitution of equipment in support of contingencies, natural disaster response, humanitarian support, exercises, counterdrug operations, and other higher headquarters and POTUS directed requirements. Additionally, the Group provides mobile training teams that instruct other Department of Defense personnel in deployed operations.

The Group represents the Air Force’s largest deployment mission, and manages the Air Force’s largest container program. The 635th MMG is the Air Force Center of Excellence for BEAR Operations; the Group supports modernization through constant testing and evaluation; achieves program efficiencies, and sets global standards as the BEAR Pilot Unit.

Support and Relief Efforts

- POTUS support missions
- Operation NEW DAWN
- Continuing enhanced operations with Drug Enforcement Agency, Department of State, Department of Health and Human Services, and other Department of Defense entities
- Off base crash recovery efforts
- Support all COCOMs
- Data Masked Operations