Holloman's Military Child Education


Connecting Families, Schools and the Holloman Community

Connecting Families, Schools and the Holloman Community

Welcome to the Holloman Military Child Education Web page! Your one-stop shop for all matters related to K-12 military child education.

This website is dedicated to provide both parents and students with updated educational information for the Holloman community.

As all military parents of school age children know, there are unique challenges your children experience during transitioning to a new school. The main goals of the Holloman Military Child Education Program are to provide parents the tools they need to make good decisions for their children's education and foster a positive partnership with the local school districts servicing military and civilian students.

Did you know the Airman and Family Readiness Center has a School Liaison Officer whose job is to provide you with information, so as parents, you can make the best educational decisions for your children?

The role of the School Liaison at Holloman Air Force Base is to assist families to ensure their children receive the best possible education regardless of where they attend school. They can assist families of all military branches to include activated Reservists and National Guardsmen. They are here to help families cope with the normal reactions to the stressors related to multiple relocations, deployments and the everyday challenges of military life.

The School Liaison Officer is located in the A&FRC and can be reached at 575-572-7754 or by email at hafbchildren@holloman.af.mil.

For news & updates check out the Holloman Military Child Education Program Face Book page at: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Holloman-Military-Child-Education-Program/207006179334315

Additionally, the Alamogordo Public School District offers a Military Transition Counselor whose goals are to provide transitional support to incoming and outgoing students through the Student 2 Student program at Alamogordo High School, and to promote the development of resilience through various avenues such as the Deployed Kids' Clubs, teacher in-service training, and "Transitions" newsletter. One-on-one counseling is offered on a limited basis. The Military Transition Counselor can be reached at 575-812-6517. Visit the APS websitewww.aps4kids.org to see the Military Support page.

Below are a list of resources you may find helpful:

1) Tularosa Basin Public Schools:
a) Districts
i) Alamogordo Public School District:www.aps4kids.org
1) Kathy Fuller, Military Transition Counselor: kfuller@aps4kids.org
2) Holloman Elementary School: http://www.aps4kids.org/Helementary.cfm
3) Holloman Middle School:http://www.aps4kids.org/HollomanMiddle.cfm
ii) Tularosa Municipal School District:www.tularosa.k12.nm.us/
iii) Cloudcroft Public School District:www.cmsbears.org
iv) Las Cruces Public Schools: www.lcps.k12.nm.us/
v) Ruidoso Municipal School District: www.ruidoso.k12.nm.us/

2) Private Schoolswww.fatherhay.org
i) Father Hay School:www.fatherhay.org
ii) Imago Dei Academy:www.imagodeiacademy.weebly.com
iii) New Mexico Military Institute: www.nmmi.edu

3) Home School Information and Resourceswww.nmmi.edu
a) NM Laws & Regulations:www.ped.state.nm.usa/HomeSchools/index.html
b) Home School Legal Defense Association:www.hsda.org
c) Local Home Schooling Groups:
i) Sharing Homes & Resources for Education (SHARE): SHARE_homeschool_HAFB@yahoogroups.com
ii) Christian Home Educators of Otero County (CHEOC): Brenda Stone 575-585-8116
d) Home School Curriculum & Resources:
i) A Beka Home School (K-12 Curriculum, Christian Affiliated):www.abeka.org
ii) BJU Press (K-12 Curriculum, Includes IOWA Testing, Christian Affiliated): www.bjupress.com
iii) Calvert School (K-8, Curriculum, Secular):www.calvertschool.org
iv) Home Education magazine:www.homeedmag.com
v) Home School Central:www.homeschoolcentral.com
vi) Homeschool.com:www.homeschool.com
vii) Home School World:www.hslda.org/hs/default.asp

4) Online/Correspondence/Virtual Schools
a) Alamogordo Public Schools Virtual Academy: A free virtual learning option available to students in grades 6 - 12. The Virtual Academy is offered to any current homeschooled student in New Mexico. For more information contact Kathy Fuller, Military Transition counselor at (575)-812-6517. http://www.aps4kids.org/departments.cfm?subpage=888990
b) K12 (K-12 Online School): www.k12.com
c) Liberty University Online Academy (3-12 Online School): www.libertyonlineacademy.com
d) Keystone High School (9-12 Online School, military discount offered): www.keystonehighschool.comwww.libertyonlineacademy.com
e) DoDEA Virtual High School (9-12 Online School for military students): http://www.dodea.edu/education/virtualSchool.cfm

5) Special Education Information
a) Alamogordo Public Schools Special Education Department: 575-572- 5971,
b) Zia Therapy, 575-439-4900
c) STE Consultants, 575-415-3960
d) National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities: www.nichcy.org
e) Council for Exceptional Children:www.cec.sped.org
f) LD Online:www.ldonline.org
g) National Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children: www.napsec.com
h) CHAAD site for ADD/ADHDwww.chaad.org
i) Specialized Training of Military Parents: www.stompproject.org

j) Family Directed Networks
i) Parent 2 Parent:www.p2pusa.org
ii) Family to Family Health Information: www.familyvoice.org
iii) Autism Society:www.autism-society.org
iv) National Federal of Families for Children with Mental Health:www.ffcmh.org
v) Intellectual Disabilities and Down Syndrome: www.thearc.org
k) Government Resources
i) National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities: www.nacdd.org
(each state has a link)www.nacdd.org
ii) National Disability Rights - legal advice: www.nacdd.org
iii) University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities -cutting edge research, training (workshops and webinars):www.aucd.org
l) National Clearing Houses
i) National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities:www.nichcy.org
ii) Family Center for Technology & Disabilities (assisted technology): http://www.fctd.info/
iii) Medicine Plus (medical advice & consultants): http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus
iv) Genetic Alliance (information & support for rare disorders): www.geneticalliance.org

6) Pre-School Information
d) See Holloman Resources for base child care options
e) Alamogordo Pre-K Academy*: 575-443-0400
f) Bethel Baptist Church, TOTS Preschool*: 575-437-5239
g) Children House*: 575-434-3218
h) Cornerstone Child Development Center*: 575-434-0106
i) Full House Too*: 575-434-5179
j) Help Head Start*: 575-434-0106
k) Little Saints Preschool*: 575-437-7821
l) St. John's Day School*: 575-437-2755
*NM Licensed/Registered Facilities

7) Local Before & After- School Programs*
d) See Holloman Resources for school age* and youth program options
e) Boys & Girls Club of Otero County: http://bgcotero.org, 575-437-3788*
f) Family Recreation Center:http://www.ci.alamogordo.nm.us 575-439-4142
g) Children's World CDC*: 575-434-3150
h) Full House*: 575-434-1572
i) Tiny Tots Child Development Center*: 575-437-2213
j) Full House Too*: 575-434-5179
*Provides transportation to/from schools in Alamogordo

8) Holloman Resources:
d) School Liaison Officer:virginia.mckinley@holloman.af.mil
e) Force Support Squadron: www.hollomanfss.com
i) → Community & Families→ Dropdown list; Airman & Family Readiness Center
ii) → Community & Families→ Dropdown list; Youth Center & School Age Program
iii) → Community & Families→ Dropdown list; Child Development Center
iv) → Community & Families→ Dropdown list; Family Day Care
9) New Mexico Information and resources
d) Parents Reaching Out: www.parentsreachingout.org

10) National Information and resources:

d) Schools:
i) American Association of School Administrators:www.aasa.org
ii) American School Counselor Associations: www.schoolcounselor.org
iii) American School Directory:www.asd.com
iv) Council of Chief State School : www.ccsso.org
v) National Association of Elementary School Principals:www.naesp.org
vi) National Association of Federally Impacted Schools:www.nafisdc.org
vii) National Association of School Psychologists: www.naspweb.org
viii) National Association of State Boards of Education:www.nasbe.org
ix) National Middle School Association:www.nmsa.org
x) National School Boards Association: www.nsba.org

b) Federal and State Government:
i) Department of Defense Education Activity:www.dodea.edu
ii) Department of Education:www.ed.gov
iii) Education commission of the States:www.ecs.org
iv) Military Home front: www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil
v) Military One Source: www.militaryonesource.com
vi) Military Teens On The Move (MTOM): www.defenselink.mil/mtom
vii) National Center for Education Statistics:www.nces.ed.gov
viii) U.S. Department of Defense Official Website: www.defenselink.mil

c) Private Organizations:
i) Home School Central:www.homeschoolcentral.com
ii) Learning First Alliance:www.learningfirst.org
iii) Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC):www.militarychild.org
iv) Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA): www.militaryimpactedschoolsassociation.org
v) National Association for College Admission Counseling: www.nacacnet.org/Pages/default.aspx
vi) National Association of Education of Young Children (NAEYC): www.naeyc.org
vii) National Association of Partners in Education (NAPE):www.napehq.org
viii) National Foundation for the Improvement of Education: www.nfie.org
ix) National Military Family Association (NMFA):www.nmfa.org
x) Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development: www.ascd.org
xi) The Military Coalition:www.themilitarycoalition.org
xii) Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA)www.asymca.org

11) DODEA Links and Resources
d) Department of Defense Education Activities:www.dodea.edu
e) On-Line Preregistration:https://registration.dodea.edu/privacy-act.cfm

12) Resources for Military Families:
a. Dads At A Distance: www.daads.com
b. Military Brats Online:www.militarybrats.com
c. Military City:  www.militarycity.com
d. Overseas Brats: www.overseasbrats.com
e. Student Alliance: www.unausa.org/studentalliance
f. National Parent-Teacher Association (PTA): www.pta.org
g. Operation Military Kid: www.operationmilitarykids.org
h. Military One Source: http://www.militaryonesource.com
i. Military Home Front:http://www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil