49th Mission Support Group

The 49th Mission Support Group provides logistics and personnel, readiness, force protection, and infrastructure support for 18,000 people supporting the F-22 Raptor,  26 associate units, and German Air Force (GAF) Flying Training Center.  In addition, it oversees environmental compliance for 59,000 acres of land, provides base and local disaster response; supports NASA 's space shuttle mission and deploys as directed by JCS to support worldwide contingency taskings. 

49th Civil Engineer Squadron

The 49th Civil Engineer Squadron has two primary missions to support Air Force Contingency taskings and Team Holloman missions. The first is to prepare Airmen in 16 diverse specialties to deploy in support of contingency taskings. The second is to provide facilities and
infrastructure that make up the Holloman Air Force Base operating platform from which Airmen launch and conduct Air Force missions. The squadron motto, "Battle Ready - Built Right" synopsizes the unit's sense of pride and mission focus at home and deployed. 

Eight flights deliver Engineering, Environmental, Readiness, Operations, Fire Protection, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Resources, and Housing expertise to Holloman Air Force Base and the active duty, dependents, DoD civilians, German Air Force, contractors, and tenants who live and work on the base. Holloman's three runways and the accompanying air space comprise the most complex aerodrome in Air Combat Command. The base covers over 59,000 acres and includes 7.4 million square feet of facilities. The physical plant is valued at over $2.5 billion. 

Operations Flight
The Operations Flight consists of 260 Military and Civilian engineers who perform maintenance and repair for 59K acres of land, 6K miles of infrastructure including 6.2M Square Feet of facilities making it the 3rd Largest in ACC. These engineers routinely respond to emergency utility and infrastructure repairs, and consist of structural, pavement, water, sewer, fire suppression, electric, fuel distribution, heating, air conditioning, pest management, material control, self help, and customer service elements. The operations flight accounts for 60% of the 49th FW's O&M Budget.

Fire Protection Flight
The Fire Protection Flight provides fire protection and crash rescue services.

Engineering Flight
The Engineering Flight designs and monitors contracts for major repairs, new facilities and services.

Emergency Management Flight
The Emergency management Flight ensures civil engineer forces are prepared for short-notice deployment and contingency operations.

Housing Flight
Family housing privatized 1 July 2007 and manages Holloman's 1,413 family housing units and 975 dormitory spaces.

Environmental Flight 
The Environmental Flight ensures base compliance with all environmental laws. They  also rectify  past environmental damage and review construction projects and mission activities to make sure all Air Force actions protect our health and the environment. The Environmental Restoration Program controls the clean-up of environmental pollution caused by past Air Force activities. This program includes the identification, design and cleanup of the site, executing the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act correction action due to past waste disposal practices (fire training areas, landfills, petroleum, oils and lubricants (POL) farms, etc.) The Pollution Prevention Program focuses on eliminating and/or reducing dependence on hazardous materials, reducing hazardous and solid waste streams, and reusing generated wastes.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Flight
At Holloman AFB the EOD flight is responsible for rendering safe and disposing of hazardous explosive ordnance around base, the high speed test track, and at White Sands Missile Range. The EOD flight is responsible for annually clearing 3 bombing ranges with over 800 targets on over 435,000 acres of White Sands Missile Range. The EOD flight also works with the US Secret Service protecting dignitaries such as foreign leaders of state and the President of the United States. EOD also deploys over 12 people a year to Afghanistan and Iraq to combat roadside IEDs, weapon caches, and terrorist activities in support of the Global War on Terror. 

Resources Flight
The Resources Flight is responsible for managing/executing 49 CES O&M and MFH budgets, to manage all aspects of information systems, to acquire/account for/manage/dispose of real estate at 5 sites, and support/account for 472 civilian/military positions.

49th Force Support Squadron

The 49th Force Support Squadron is a cohesive team of professionals, maintaining the capability to deploy worldwide in support of JCS taskings. The squadron provides administrative, personnel and educational services to support more than 17,000 military, civilian and retired personnel, and supports the worldwide mission of the 49th Fighter Wing and the requirements of 26 associate units from 14 commands.

The squadron operates five flights: Airman and Family Services, Community Services, Force Development, Manpower and Personnel, and Sustainment Services.

Manpower and Personnel Flight
Military personnel handle all personnel issues pertaining to active-duty, reserve and retired service members and their dependents. Included in the military personnel areas of responsibility are: assignments, decorations, promotions, deployment processing, reenlistments, separations, training, and casualty assistance.

Civilian personnel provide advice and assistance to commanders and supervisors on federal personnel rules, regulations, and procedures concerning Department of the Air Force and Department of Defense employees. They offer advice and assistance centers for the following areas; recruitment, training, labor relations, compensation and conduct/discipline. 

The Manpower/Organization Office helps functional managers improve productivity through on-site observations, manpower and organizational services, and consultant service studies, adding to the effective and efficient use of Air Force manpower resources. 

The manpower office helps functional managers improve productivity through on-site observations, manpower and organizational services, and consultant service studies, adding to the effective and efficient use of Air Force manpower resources.

The manpower office is also responsible for the Suggestion Program and the wing's productivity programs such as Fast Payback Capitol Investment Program (FASCAP) and Productivity Investment Fund (PIF).

The office is also responsible for the Suggestion Program and the wing's productivity programs such as Fast Payback Capitol Investment Program (FASCAP) and Productivity Investment Fund (PIF).

The staff also educates, trains, and advises Holloman people on quality fundamentals and issues. Through quality, Holloman has built, and continues to build a working environment of trust, teamwork, pride and continuous improvement. A variety of quality-related courses are offered to assist newcomers, supervisors and commanders within the wing.

Airman and Family Services Flight
The Airman and Family Services Flight provides active duty members, retirees, DoD civilians and their families a wide range of services: relocation, information and referral assistance; Air Force Aid; financial guidance; spouse employment, transition; and Family and Life skills. It's a support base for families when the sponsor is away.

The center is staffed by dedicated professionals and volunteers. The center also offers workshops, classes and seminars in the area of parenting, communication, transition assistance and job seeking skills.

Co-located with the AFRC are the Red Cross, Family Services, and the Women, Infants and Children's program. This flight is also responsible for our Child Development Centers and Youth Center.

Force Development Flight
The Education Services Center offers a variety of educational services to Team Holloman members. The center has a broad academic offering for adults interested in furthering their education.

General Educational Development review and adult classes in English, math, typing, English as a Second Language and citizenship are available. These classes are free of charge through the Adult Basic Education program at New Mexico State University - Alamogordo.

College courses are available on base in a variety of academic disciplines. These courses and programs may lead to associates, bachelors or masters degrees. The following institutions are represented: New Mexico State University (Alamogordo and Las Cruces), Park University, Central Texas College, Troy State University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

All active duty members are eligible for Air Force tuition assistance. Other financial aid is available through the Veterans Administration, Pell grants, and the Air Force Aid Society. The center provides a full range of services and operates a testing facility for the administration of college credit exams and national placement or certification tests (CLEP, SAT, ACT, NTE, GRE, GMAT, DSST, etc.). You can contact the Education Center at 572-3971. Spouses and adult family members are welcome.

The Mayo Professional Military Education Center provides professional military education for senior airmen. Classes total 186 curriculum hours and cover three broad areas of interest: military citizenship, quality leadership and communicative skills.

Instruction includes both guided discussion and informal lecture. Quality Air Force subjects are interwoven throughout the course. The Community College of the Air Force awards 8 semester hours to students completing ALS.

Community Services Flight
The Community Services Flight provides leisure-time facilities and equipment to meet the social and recreational needs of the Holloman community. Club Holloman and the community activity center are leisure-time facilities that can also be reserved for official functions. Outdoor recreation provides rental equipment and activities including paintball, rock climbing, an outdoor ropes course, high adventure programs, and a Fam Camp. 49er Café @ Club Holloman, Oasis Bar & Grill, Strikers Grill, The Attic Bar, and Brewed Awakenings coffee all offer delicious food and drink choices. Community Services also runs Strikers Bowling Center, the Auto hobby shop, Arts and Crafts, Aero Club, the Base Theater, and offers discounts on travel and events with the Information, Tickets & Travel office (located in the CAC).

Sustainment Services Flight
The Sustainment Flight provides lodging for temporary duty and transient personnel and operates dining facilities for the enlisted work force. The flight is also responsible for the linen exchange and fitness center.
Additionally, the Operational Officer is responsible for Personnel Readiness, Mortuary Affairs, Readiness and Unit Training.

49th Security Forces Squadron

The 49th Security Forces Squadron provides law enforcement and security forces for the 49th Fighter Wing. The squadron protects the F-16 Viper and MQ-9 Reaper, as well as Air Force Space Command and other associate units' resources. The squadron is considered a medium-sized unit with over 255 military, civilian, and contract personnel assigned. The 49 SFS is committed to and focused on defending the force 24-hours a day, 365-days-a-year.

Security forces personnel manage physical security, resource protection and information security programs involving more than 17,000 military and civilian personnel, a resident population in excess of 5,000 and $7.3 billion in U.S. Air Force resources. They also prepare policy positions on security, protection and law enforcement programs for the base, and provide combat arms training to Holloman personnel. Security forces is directly responsible for securing a 59K acre installation which contains ACC's most diverse airfield.

49th Communications Squadron

The 49th Communications Squadron provides combat-ready communications-computer services for the 49th Fighter Wing to ensure it is ready to perform its worldwide war-fighting mission.

Squadron personnel maintain airfield radar and radio systems, navigational aids, meteorological radars and sensors, network infrastructure, small computer systems, and cryptographic equipment including secure telephones, and land mobile radios.

The squadron also manages and operates the base information transfer center, telephone switchboard and systems, blackberries, radio frequencies, and base communications security program.

Some unique functions include worldwide maintenance of the Solar Optical Observing Network and maintenance of the specialized command, control communications, computer and intelligence equipment supporting F-22A operations. 

The squadron vision is to provide assured access to local and cyberspace assets by exploiting, implementing, and sustaining superior communication technologies for our customers... anytime, anywhere. 

49th Contracting Squadron 

The 49th Contracting Squadron directs contracting programs and provides business advice on an average of 1000 contract actions valued in excess of $45 million annually. We support the acquisition and administration of commodities, services, and construction requirements in support of the 49th Fighter Wing and 35 tenant units including the 46th Test Group, 55th Space Weather Squadron, German Flying Training Center, and 49th Material Maintenance Group. 

The squadron also supports major acquisition efforts, including the planning, solicitation, award, and administration of contracts for medical, logistics, supply, services and construction requirements for current operations and the maintenance and upgrade of the base infrastructure and quality-of-life enhancements.

The 49th Contracting Squadron manages the base Government Purchase Card program valued at more than $15 million annually with over 25,000 contract actions. 

They are responsible for quality, delivery, and timely customer mission support in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations and public law. The 49th Contracting Squadron also provides world class contingency contracting services in support of deployments and emergency operations. 

In addition, the squadron runs an unparalleled small business program, winning #1 in AF for contracting w/veteran owned companies in 2006, and continues to exceed small business set aside goals. 

49th Logistics Readiness Squadron

The 49th Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) provides comprehensive logistics support to include Distribution Management, Fuels Management, Materiel Management, and Contingency Operations functions sustaining the 49 WG and 26 associate units.

Deployment and Distribution Flight
The Deployment and Distribution Flight consists of 103 military and civilian professionals. It is responsible for the centralized command and control, planning, and execution of all wing deployment operations and distribution of cargo, passengers, and personal property. Its Vehicle Operations section is the single source for safe and efficient organic ground transportation of personnel and cargo within and between installations in support of daily and contingency operations. The flight executes DoD traffic management policy and procedures to obtain transportation services in addition to operating the Small Air Terminal and Passenger Movement functions.

Vehicle Maintenance Flight
Vehicle Maintenance is responsible for maintaining a safe and serviceable fleet throughout their lifecycle. They direct and control over 10,000 statistical and historical data points identifying trends and eliminating maintenance problems. Vehicle Management maintains over 1,000 vehicles and pieces of equipment supporting four MAJCOMs, 18 tenant units, and the German Air Force.

Materiel Management Flight
Materiel Management is the largest flight in the Logistics Readiness Squadron with over 130 military and civilian supply professionals. Material Management is directly responsible for supply accounts worth $572M for the F-22, T-38, and two RPA units as well as 22 associate units. The flight also directs the receipt, storage, issue, and accountability of 31,000 line items of equipment valued at over $90M to include 8,700 mobility bags and 2,500 weapons.

Fuels Management Flight
The Fuels Management Flight consists of 72 military and civilian professionals and leaders. The Fuels Flight is responsible for providing clean, dry, serviceable fuel and cryogenic products to the Wing mission in the air and on the ground. The flight manages $104M in assets and a fuel inventory worth $58M. The flight assists eight MAJCOMs, 22 units, and 98 aircraft worth $4B. Over 38K fuel transactions are processed annually. The Fuels Service Center is the focal point of all operations and the heartbeat of the flight. Flight personnel carry out receiving, transferring, sampling, testing, accounting, readiness, storage, and issue operations on a daily basis.