49th Operations Group 49th Operations Group The 49th Operations Group supports national security objectives, as directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, by utilizing the F-22A Raptor aircraft. 7th Fighter Squadron The 7th Fighter Squadron "Screamin' Demons" maintain combat readiness to deploy worldwide in accordance with Secretary of Defense taskings. Operating the F-22A Raptor, the squadron provides unsurpassed air dominance in the world's most dangerous threat arenas. 49th Operations Support Squadron The 49th Operations Support Squadron is made up of seven flights including Weather, Aircrew Flight Equipment, Airfield Operations, White Sands Radar, Intelligence, Current Operations and Weapons and Tactics. These flights support the wing, tenant units and Army's White Sands Missile Range. The Weather Flight provides operational observing, forecasting and staff weather support. They provide 26 specific types of weather warnings and advisories to 60 base agencies to ensure proper resource protection and flight safety of base assets worth over $7 billion. Additionally, tailored weather support is provided for 80 base aircraft that normally operate in training areas covering in excess of 60,000 square miles. The Aircrew Flight Equipment Flight provides operational aircrews with reliable life support equipment and comprehensive training in the care and use of this equipment in order to enhance the safe and successful completion of worldwide missions. This flight also trains pilots on Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape tactics, techniques and procedures. The Airfield Operations Flight provides air traffic control and airfield management services for local and transient aircrews. Airmen and civilians control out to five nautical miles and up to 2.5K feet of airspace, manage 21 miles of runways, taxiways and aircraft aprons. The White Sands Radar Flight provides approach and range airspace control for White Sands Missile Range and McGregor Range. In all, this flight controls airspace comprising over 30 percent of the state of New Mexico. The Intelligence Flight provides aircrew training, current intelligence and special-topic briefings, targeting and digital imagery support and electronic order-of-battle analysis. The Current Operations Flight includes three primary areas of responsibility: Scheduling, Airspace and Ranges and Flight Records. Scheduling develops and coordinates the base flying schedules among two wing squadrons and two tenant groups. They schedule and de-conflict over 21,000 sorties per year, coordinating in-flight refueling, range airspace and specific flying windows to aid in student training. They also monitor the wing flying hour programs. Airspace and Ranges maintain 30 different special-use airspaces, to include air to ground ranges, supersonic airspace, military low-level training routes, air-refueling tracks and military operating areas. The Flight Records section maintains aircrew records and tracks pilot flying training and flight pay. The Weapons and Tactics Flight supervises wing mission planning cell activities and F-22A mission planning hardware/ software upgrades, develops employment tactics and manages all munitions used to train aircrews. Along with preparing products for peacetime and combat missions, this flight is also charged with verifying all F-22A pilots are prepared to conduct worldwide combat missions. This verification process is the last hurdle in the F-22A pilot's mission qualification training. Weapons and Tactics also develops, maintains and teaches weapon system tactics and academics for all F-22A squadrons in the 49th Operations Group.