746th Test Squadron The 746th Test Squadron (TS), also known as the Central Inertial and GPS Test Facility (CIGTF), is the DoD's designated lead test organization chartered to test and evaluate Global Positioning System (GPS) user equipment (UE) and integrated GPS based guidance and navigation systems. To this end, the 746 TS manages the tri-service GPS Test Center of Expertise (COE) comprised of Army, Navy, and Air Force test agencies chartered to support GPS test and evaluation initiatives. With over 40 years of experience, CIGTF has established itself as a leader in Inertial, GPS, and blended GPS/Inertial component and system testing. In addition, CIGTF's inclusive ground, field, and flight-testing capabilities offer the customer a cost-effective means to evaluate their guidance and navigation systems. Flight Testing Aircraft Following functional and performance verification in CIGTF's laboratory and field test environments, flight testing of the item is conducted at WSMR. Fully instrumented aircraft includes the F-16, AT-38, C-12J, and UH-1 Provides various low, medium, and high dynamic operating environments for the system under test Can test virtually any combination of INS, GPS, and/or integrated GPS/INS navigation and guidance systems Fully instrumented for data acquisition. Reference Systems CIGTF provides a wide variety of Time Space Position Information (TSPI) Truth Reference Systems for field and flight-testing. Including a high accuracy validated truth reference source available in either a clear or hostile EC environment Airborne position, velocity, and attitude reference accuracy is better than 0.20 meters in position (3DRMS) and 0.01 meters per second in velocity (3DRMS) Used in all three of the 586th Flight Test Squadron AT-38Bs. Inertial Laboratory Testing Centrifuge testing provides sustained high accuracy accelerations for error identification and extraction. Multi-axis test tables simulate flight conditions in a thermally controlled environment to check inertial performance prior to aircraft testing. GPS Receiver and Integrated System Testing The CIGTF Navigation Test and Evaluation Laboratory (NavTEL) is a state-of-the-art facility used for testing standalone GPS User Equipment (UE) and integrated GPS navigation systems. Fully exercises GPS UE hardware and software under laboratory conditions using real-time simulation of GPS satellite signals, and simulated and/or hardware-in-the-loop host vehicle aiding and communication systems Simulates realistic operational conditions, including threat environments The new Communication, Navigation, and Identification (CNI) Laboratory is designed to test "systems of systems," to allow testing of highly integrated relative navigation techniques, real-time precision weapon targeting, and other applications of highly integrated platforms GPS Electronic Combat (EC) Testing Recognized leader in GPS EC threat environment testing GPS threat lay-downs, signal structures, and power levels can be generated to represent a realistic EC environment NavTEL's modeling and simulation effectively produces representative customer-defined threats prior to field and flight testing Antenna Test Range Conducts multi-element GPS antenna testing using multiple jammers in a controlled, open-air environment Covers the middle ground between laboratory and flight test capabilities and offers an additional environment to satisfy customer test requirements