VRP Volunteer Resource Program (VRP) The AFRC's Volunteer Resource Program (VRP) is a base-wide program designed to fully utilize and recognize the contributions of volunteers at Holloman AFB. It creates a central base resource for volunteer recruitment, training and recognition. It was established in recognition of volunteerism as an integral part of our community. The intent of the VRP is to promote the spirit of volunteerism through assisting volunteer agencies in meeting their needs and helping individuals to find volunteer jobs which best suit their personal interests or career goals. Thinking of becoming a Holloman AFB volunteer? Check out this brochure for Volunteer opportunities on base and in the local community! Your AFRC has information available on the following subjects: Child care for volunteers Relating volunteer experience to future paid employment Selecting an agency and volunteer position You will be assisted in reviewing your interests and matching them to an agency, which can utilize and enhance your skills.