Pollution Prevention (P2) Program

The Pollution Prevention Program at Holloman encompasses many areas. They are: Affirmative Procurement, CTP2 Environmental Action Committee, Recycling Program, Composting Program, Household Chemical Reuse Program, Green Zia Program, P2 Regional Partnering Program, Pollution Prevention (P2) Bulletin and Training. Scroll down for a brief description of each area.

Affirmative Procurement

Successful recycling requires that manufacturers use recycled materials in producing new products and that consumers buy these goods. Affirmative Procurement (or "buying recycled") is an attempt to promote recycling by requiring government agencies to buy products made from recycled or reclaimed materials. The buying power of the federal government is used to increase the demand for these products.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG; published in 40 CFR Part 247), which recommends high quality, cost-competitive products made from recycled materials. The EPA also publishes the Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN), which designates the recommended level of recycled content for the items specified in the CPG. Executive Order 13101, Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition, requires that government agencies purchase products that meet or exceed the EPA guidelines.

CTP2 Environmental Action Committee

The Compliance through Pollution Prevention Environmental Action Committee (CTP2 EAC) is a working group currently under the leadership of the Environmental Flight. The Environmental Action Committee (EAC) consists of Environmental Coordinators (EC) who represent groups and squadrons on base. The main focus and responsibility of the EAC is to address hazardous waste and pollution prevention concerns by using a systematic, interdisciplinary approach in identifying and recommending solutions on these issues. The EAC works toward supporting the integrity of the overall environmental program at Holloman.

The EAC strives to keep all environmental coordinators up-to-date and aware of current hazardous waste and pollution prevention efforts that must be considered during the course of a normal day's work. This effort is streamlined via the Environmental Flight's interactive approach at monthly meetings and enhanced through sub-working groups, training, bulletins and conferences.

Recycling Program

Recycling is a very important key to solid waste reduction and a necessary part in pollution prevention. Recycling reduces both the amount of garbage sent to the landfill and the consumption of raw materials in the manufacturing of new products.

The recycling program at Holloman uses two methods of collection: Commingled, all recycled materials can be put into the same container, or source-Separated, only one type of material, such as aluminum or cardboard, is designated for each container.

There are two areas of recycling: household and industrial.

Household Recycling in military family housing is collected by the commingled method.

A special part of our recycling program is the Household Chemical Reuse Program located in the Self-Help Store. This program enables military family housing and dormitory occupants to turn in their household chemicals they cannot take with them when they move. In turn, these products are offered to base occupants for use.

Industrial recycling is the collection of industrial recycled materials by both the commingled and source-separated methods. Blue dumpster-style recycling containers are located throughout the industrial areas.

Composting Program

The Composting Facility at Holloman is located in the fenced area behind the Recycling Center. All compostable materials (pulverized paper, sawdust and yard waste), wood pallets, and scrap lumber can be delivered directly to the facility.

Household Chemical Reuse Program

It is important to properly dispose of household hazardous waste. The safest practice is to ensure that containers are completely empty before throwing away. Unfortunately, many containers with a substantial amount of chemical remaining are thrown away simply because there was no alternative -- now there is. We have created, as a special section of our recycling program, the Household Chemical Reuse Program that is located in the Self-Help Store.

The Household Chemical Reuse Program is set up to serve the base populace in two ways: it provides residents of family housing and the dorms a place to bring unused household chemicals, and it makes these chemicals available for somebody else to use.

Residents can turn in acceptable materials shown in the List of Acceptable Materials as long as it is in its original container and contains at least 1/4 of the original content.

Green Zia Environmental Excellence Program

The Green Zia Environmental Excellence Program is a voluntary program designed to support and assist all New Mexico establishments achieve environmental excellence through pollution prevention-based environmental management systems. It is a multi-year program that places emphasis on continuous improvement; thereby providing a valuable self-assessment tool to help participants understand and measure progress toward environmental excellence. The program is managed by the New Mexico Environmental Alliance.

Holloman Air Force Base has participated in the Green Zia Environmental Excellence Program for two years. The base placed in the Commitment Recognition category the first year and is still waiting results on its pollution prevention program for this year.

New Mexico P2 Regional Partnering Program

The New Mexico P2 Regional Partnering Program involves the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy facilities, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and New Mexico Environment Department. This pollution prevention partnership was created to exchange information, work on common problems, promote cooperative activities and develop recommendations to state regulatory agencies. Participants share a common interest in applying pollution prevention strategies to reduce waste and environmental impacts and also in stimulating a market for products with recycled content. It's mission is to create a working partnership with the state of New Mexico, promoting pollution prevention as the set way of doing business by developing and implementing model initiatives, building trust, and validating and sharing results.

Pollution Prevention Bulletin

A monthly two-page bulletin is produced to ensure Holloman personnel are informed an the latest environmental information.


At Holloman, education and training are considered a crucial component of a successful P2 program. The Pollution Prevention program strives to keep all environmental coordinators, shop personnel and other interested parties up-to-date and aware of current hazardous waste and pollution prevention efforts that must be considered during the course of a normal day's work. This effort is streamlined via the Environmental Flight's interactive approach at monthly meetings and enhanced through sub-working groups, training, bulletins, and conferences.