Holloman is located in New Mexico's Tularosa Basin between the Sacramento and San Andreas mountain ranges. The base is about 10 miles west of Alamogordo, New Mexico, on route 70/82; 90 miles north of El Paso, Texas; 70 miles east of Las Cruces, New Mexico.
If you arrive in Alamogordo by commercial air or bus and require military transportation to the base, call (505) 572-7261, DSN 572-7261, Vehicle Operations.
If you are driving, Holloman is located on Highway 70 and is clearly marked. If you are arriving by bus, follow White Sands Blvd. which turns into Highway 70 and follow the signs to Holloman.
There is no scheduled airline service to Alamogordo/Holloman from El Paso. Mesa Airlines does fly from Albuquerque to Alamogordo. If you are arriving at the Alamogordo Airport, take Airport Road to Highway 70, turn left (west) and follow the signs to Holloman AFB.