Nov. 18, 2022 Holloman Airmen and spouses embark on tanker incentive flight Spouses and Airmen from around Holloman AFB got to fly on a KC-135 Stratotanker incentive flight here, Nov. 15.
Nov. 4, 2022 ALS Class 23-1 graduates Forty eight Airmen graduated from Holloman’s Airman Leadership School during a ceremony at Club Holloman, Nov. 3, 2022.
Nov. 3, 2022 HAFB civilian overcomes adversity, remains dedicated to serve Harrell was diagnosed with scoliosis at a very young age, a disease that causes an irregular curvature of the spine and is often diagnosed in adolescents. In some cases, little to no treatment is needed depending on the severity. Throughout her lifetime has had 4 surgeries on her spine resulting in
Sept. 12, 2022 Holloman volunteers help clean surrounding communities during the Day of Caring Team Holloman Airmen and Guardians, along with other volunteers, participated in the 31st annual Day of Caring, in Otero County, Sept. 9, 2022.
Aug. 19, 2022 Holloman Airman named Air Force Fighter Instructor Pilot of the Year The 49th Wing is responsible for training almost half of all F-16 Viper pilots in the U.S. Air Force and producing approximately 25% of all fighter pilots in the entire U.S. Air Force. Team Holloman’s very own U.S. Air Force Maj. Benjamin Saunders of the 8th Fighter Squadron, was named the 2021 Air