Nov. 30, 2011 Equal Opportunity Air Force Equal Opportunity PolicyThe Air Force will conduct its affairs free from unlawful discrimination. It provides Equal Opportunity and Treatment for all members irrespective of their race, color, religion, national origin, and sex. In addition, DoD civilians are also protected against
Oct. 5, 2011 Eagle Eyes The Eagle Eyes program is an Air Force anti-terrorism initiative that enlists the eyes and ears of Air Force members and citizens in the war on terror. Eagle eyes teaches people about the typical activities terrorists engage in to plan their attacks. Armed with this information, anyone can recognize
March 19, 2007 Eployment Assistance Program Your AFRC offers employment assistance through the Employment Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP was established to provide information, assistance and training to applicants enabling them to enter or re-enter the job market by giving directions on how and where to look for employment. The EAP offers
Aug. 18, 2006 Environmental Restoration Program The Environmental Restoration Program determines where environmental damage has occurred in the past and if cleanup operations are necessary. The program at Holloman utilizes the most current technology for the cleanup of its sites. The program follows a four-step process:-- Identification of past